In 1926 Meher Baba gave out a rich body of explanations on the nature of the creation and the divine Reality, recently published under the title Infinite Intelligence. That book is based on a two-volume manuscript, the Intelligence Notebooks, which is made available here as online digital facsimiles.

In time these web pages will be remounted in the form of a more user-friendly interface, which will allow easy location of just the particular pages that you might be interested in along with transcriptions and more extensive helpful search tools. Currently, we are able to provide this basic archival presentation, just the manuscripts as they were kept all these many years in the very same trunks and cupboards that Baba was referring to in the opening page of the Archive Section. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them as they are in pdf format. Please click here to download Acrobat Reader and follow the instructions on your computer.

Intelligence Notebook I | pp. | 1-27 | 28-57 | 58-88 | 88-107 | 107-136 | 137-157 | 158-183 | 183-211
Intelligence Notebook II | pp. | 1-18 | 19-45
• Heart Talk Archives
• Adi K. Irani Document Collection
• Diaries and Manuscripts
• Pamphlets
• Archival Photographs