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Baba’s Samadhi. “After I drop My body, the physical remains will rest here, and this hill will become an important place of pilgrimage for the whole world. You all do not realize the importance of this day. After seventy years this place will be a place of great privilege and pilgrimage. A big town will grow up here. How fortunate you are that you are hearing about the importance of this place in the physical presence of Him to whose Samadhi (Tomb) will flock one day, from all over the world, all the lovers of God, philosophers and worshippers to pay their homage!” On January 31st 1969, Avatar Meher Baba dropped His body at Meherazad, and His body was brought to Upper Meherabad to be buried. As the coffin and tomb were being prepared, Baba’s body was kept inside His cabin on the stretcher that is still there. His body was then placed on the lid of the coffin and lowered into the crypt. It was kept surrounded by flowers, and according to hints given by Him, His body was uninterred for seven days so that His lovers from around the world might have one last chance to see His physical form. There was no sign of decomposition when the box of the coffin was placed over His body and buried on February 7th. The Italian Carrerra marble slab over Baba’s tomb was installed by Padri in late 1971. The exterior colors of the Samadhi were chosen by Mehera and Mani in the late 1980s, and a complete restoration of the original building was done in 1990. In 1991, in lieu of a stained glass work by Charlie Morton for the north window, Mani decided that his painting should be installed there instead. Today the Samadhi is the most sacred place at Meherabad and the heart of the legacy that the Trust care-takes for humanity.
The Tomb-Shrine of Meher Baba Booklet