Books about Meher Baba Periodicals Translations
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Beams from Meher Baba on the Spiritual Panorama
The publication of God Speaks in 1955 gave rise to questions on particular points of metaphysical detail. Meher Baba’s answers to these questions were compiled into the 13 essays of this book. Sample titles include: “The Advancing Stream of Life”, “The Interplay of Souls”, and “From Eternity to Eternity.”
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Meher Baba’s Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many of life’s most perplexing problems. Inspiring and practical, the Discourses provide an ever-fresh framework of spiritual perspective on the challenges of everyday life.
Discourses – Five Volume Set
The full complement of sixty-nine discourses was published in five volumes between 1939 and 1943. Various of these volumes were republished in subsequent editions, the last of these released in 1955.
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God to Man and Man to God
With Meher Baba’s permission, Charles Purdom, a Western disciple, re-edited sixty of the original discourses, simplifying them stylistically. Published in London by Victor Gollancz in 1955.
Discourses – 6th Edition
Under Meher Baba’s direction Don Stevens and Ivy Duce reedited the original sixty-nine essays of the five-volume set. Sufism Reoriented published the result of this effort in three volumes in 1967.
Introduction | Short History Volume I | Volume II | Volume III |
Discourses – Seventh edition
Under the supervision of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust and Meher Baba’s mandali, Eruch Jessawala, Bal Natu, and Flagg Kris edited the Discourses one last time, using the sixth edition as their base text.
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Divine Theme (with charts): Evolution, Reincarnation, Realisation
is an abstract of Baba’s cosmology and a description of the journey of the soul. It reads “God, the Oversoul, alone is real. Nothing exists but God. The different souls are in the Oversoul and one with it. The processes of evolution, reincarnation and realisation are all necessary in order to enable the soul to gain self-consciousness.” In 1943, Baba called 125 of His followers to Meherabad to meditate on material found in the booklet’s charts, material which was later incorporated into the supplement to His book God Speaks.
Read Book | Chart I | Chart II |
Early Messages to the West
Meher Baba’s 1931 Western tour was the first of thirteen during His lifetime, ten of them between 1931 and 1937. But the fertile period in the arena of public communication took place between April 1932 and January 1935. This book centers on that period. Extensive section of newspaper clippings about Baba’s visits give a sense of the atmosphere of that extraordinary period.
The Everything and the Nothing
This collection of 65 short messages, based on answers to questions that Meher Baba gave out in personal interviews during the early 60s, is rich with insights of a poetic and inspirational nature into the life of love for God. Titles include: “The Lover and the Beloved”, “The Pearl Diver”, “Maya the Showman”, and “The One and the Zero.”
Gems from the Discourses of Meher Baba
This book, published in 1945, contains selected passages from the “Discourses” of Meher Baba, first published in the issues of the Meher Baba Journals, by The Meher Editorial Committee, Meherabad, Ahmednagar, India.
God in a Pill
This pamphlet was published in 1966 by Sufism Reoriented using quotes by Meher Baba where he disparaged the view that hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs, especially LSD, but also marijuana, psilocybin, and other drugs, might be used to elicit meaningful spiritual insight. Meher Baba wrote, “If God can be found through the medium of any drug, God is not worthy of being God.” It was compiled from letters to several academics in the West including Allan Cohen, Robert Dreyfuss, and Richard Alpert.
God Speaks
This unparalleled exposition on the theme of God and Creation explains how God, the sole Existence and Reality, comes to know Himself through the medium of His own imagination or dream. Encompassed in the discussion are such topics as: God’s whim to know Himself, the evolution of consciousness, reincarnation, the drop-soul’s involutionary journey through the seven inner planes, God-realization, the spiritual hierarchy, and the ten states of God. (Includes 11 charts.)
In God’s Hand
This facsimile edition reproduces in full color a 39-page manuscript in Meher Baba’s own handwriting, probably authored in 1925. The subject matter is metaphysical, concerning God as Natural Light, Natural Darkness, Unnatural Darkness, and Unnatural Light. It’s the longest-known handwritten manuscript by a Master who, through most of his life, neither spoke nor wrote. In God’s Hand provides a remarkable glimpse into the nature of God and into the mind of the God-Man.
Part 1 is a large file, due to the many pages containing graphics, and will take some time to download.
The Life Circulars of Avatar Meher Baba
The Life Circulars is comprised of circulars issued by Baba’s secretary Adi K. Irani from 1952 to 1968. They include statements by Baba about the phases of His New Life; His messages on freedom, honesty, and “Divine Love and the Purpose of Life”; His “Universal Prayer”; His clarification and confirmation of His “Final Declaration”; His statements about His 1956 car accident; His birthday messages; and details about many sahavas and darshan programs.
Life at Its Best
The 57 short messages in this collection were given by Meher Baba to the public in the course of his visit to America in the summer of 1956.
Listen, Humanity
Edited and narrated by Don Stevens. Created and published under Meher Baba’s supervision, this book’s central section is comprised of nine discourses by Meher Baba on such subjects as death and immortality, sleep, war, freedom, the spiritual path, and love. An opening section by Don Stevens describes a sahavas program with Meher Baba in 1955, and a closing section discusses the question of Meher Baba’s Avatarhood.
Meher Baba on the Fiery Free Life and Seven Other Messages
Published by Adi K. Irani in 1952. In the booklet’s first message, Baba states that “both freedom and bindings are consumed in the fire of Divine Love” during His Fiery Free Life, which began after the Manonash phase of the New Life. In the message “Meher Baba on Life Eternal,” Baba reveals that “For ages and ages, God has been working in Silence, unobserved and un-noticed except by those who experience His Infinite Silence.” Other messages included are “The High Roads to God,” “God as Truth,” and “God as Bliss.”
Meher Baba on Be True to Your Duty and Five Other Messages
Published in 1954 by Adi K. Irani for Meher Publications. These messages were given by Baba in Andhra and Sakori during 1953-54 and include four untitled messages, one message entitled “Existence is Substance and Life is Shadow,” and the titular message. The titular message is the original source for Baba’s oft-quoted words, “I want you to make me your constant companion. Think of me more than you think of your own self. The more you think of me, the more you will realise my love for you. Your duty is to keep me constantly with you throughout your thoughts, speech and actions.”
Meher Baba on Love
MEHER BABA ON LOVE is a small book compiled by our friend Shri K.K. Ramakrishnan from several sayings of Avatar Meher Baba. Shri Baba had given a number of books on various subjects of importance. But the underlined principle of his teachings is love. It is only through love that man gets happiness on the earth and becomes one with eternity. God is nothing else but Divine Love. If man follows this path of love, all problems, riddles, miseries will come to an end and this world will become a paradise.
But the beauty of Shri Baba’s teachings is that he has made concrete what is originally abstract. Though he has not laid down any rigid discipline he has vividly chalked out a plan to transform human nature. He clearly states how to awake ‘Divine’ in man and how to win a decisive victory over our lower nature. Shri Baba has taught us not to differentiate between the ends and the means. Love is the means and Love is the end also. Shri Baba is a prophet of universal religion of love. Our friend Shri Ramakrishnan has selected such appropriate sayings and discourses and arranged them so skilfully that we get a perfect view of Shri Meher Baba’s philosophy. – Gopinah Talvalkar |
Messages of Meher Baba
The Messages gathered here by Adi K. Irani have been grouped in two sections: 1) those delivered in the East, and 2) those delivered in the West. Each is addressed to the world at large or to a section of it, and deals, therefore, with current affairs, rather than the ups and downs of spiritual life. 1945
6 Messages of Avatar Meher Baba
Published in 1955 by Adi K. Irani. These are excerpts of discourses given by Meher Baba from time to time during the period extending from 1932 to 1954, compiled and placed under six categorical headings by Ramjoo Abdulla and Kishan Singh and edited by Malcolm Schloss and Charles Purdom.
The Narrow Lane
This book is based upon the concept of Gems from the Teachings of Meher Baba, published by Meher Baba Universal Spiritual Centre, Kings Road, Ahmednagar, India, 1947, and has been considerably extended from that publication.
The material used is comprised entirely of selections from Discourses by Meher Baba, edited by Ivy O. Duce and Don E. Stevens; Life At Its Best; short messages of Meher Baba; Listen, Humanity, Part II; discourses of Meher Baba; and God Speaks by Meher Baba, The Divine Theme. |
The New Life Circulars
Issued serially between 28th October 1949 and 1st February 1952, the “New Life Circulars” played a key role during the New Life phase of Meher Baba’s life and work.
This eBook reproduces the original circulars and communications received and collected by Byramshaw (Papa) Jessawala and graciously made available for republication here by Meherwan Jessawala. |
The Path of Love
This excellent anthology of short messages includes many of the major statements and declarations that Meher Baba gave at public gatherings during the course of his ministry. Several important messages include “Meher Baba’s Call”, “The Universal Message”, “The Highest of the High”, and “Meher Baba’s Sermon.”
Sahavas: In The Company Of God
An elaborate account of this great event of this Avataric cycle has been recorded by Don Stevens of the US and published in the form of a book, titled ‘Listen Humanity’. To make this record accessible and affordable to larger numbers of lovers, Avatar Meher Baba Pune Centre in the year 1977 published an economical and abridged version of this book. This concise form was titled ‘In the Company of God Meher Baba.’
This is the second and enlarged edition which has been enriched by the inclusion of some new information that had appeared in the epic life story of the Avatar, called ‘Lord Meher.’ |
The Sayings of Shri Meher Baba
The Sayings of Shri Meher Baba was published in 1933 by the Circle Editorial Committee in London, and it is the second book authored by Baba that was published in the West. It contains sayings on the topics of “Divine Love,” “Religions or Shariat,” “The Spiritual Path,” “Intellect, Mind, and Maya,” “The Spiritual Planes: the Mind and Subtle Sphere,” and “The Perfect Master.”
Shri Meher Baba, The Perfect Master: Questions and Answers
Shri Meher Baba, the Perfect Master: Questions and Answers was published in 1933 by the Circle Editorial Committee in London, and it is the first book authored by Baba that was published in the West. It is divided into sections entitled “Questions about Christ,” “Questions About the Spiritual Path,” “Questions About Messiah or Avatar,” “Questions About Spiritual Masters,” “Questions About Shri Meher Baba’s Mission,” “‘Personal’ Questions,” and “Miscellaneous Questions: World Problems, Philosophical Problems.”
Sparks from Meher Baba
A collection of short statements from Meher Baba on a variety of subject related to spirituality, such as “God,” “The Purpose of Life,” “The Soul,” “Good and Evil,” and others. The quotes were selected by Meher Baba’s Western disciples, Kitty Davy and Delia de Leon and was first printed in 1962