Jai Baba!

On 28th November 2020, the Board of Trustees appointed Amrit Dara Irani as a trustee of the Avatar Meher Baba PPC Trust, the Avatar Meher Baba Trust (“Firstly”), the Meherazad Public Charitable Trust, and Meher Free Dispensary (Meherazad).

Born in November 1949 to close Meher Baba disciples Shatrughan and Subdhara Kumar in Dehra Dun, India, Amrit was given her name by Mehera. She met Beloved Baba as a newborn during His New Life, and along with Baba’s women mandali and her mother, accompanied Baba to Hardwar for the Kumbh Mela at that time. She lived under Baba’s orders from childhood, and at His wish, on 23rd December 1968, she married Baba’s nephew, Dara Irani, in His presence at Meherazad. Their sons, Meherwan and Jamshed, are also Baba-lovers.

Amrit has lived in Ahmednagar and Meherabad since 1973 and is actively involved with Beloved Baba’s Samadhi and Baba’s pilgrims. She serves as a trustee in place of Jal Dastoor, who retired from the Board last year.

Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai!

== The Chairman and Board of Trustees