1. The text of this lecture is based on the last two-thirds of a six-page typed manuscript (abbreviated LLBA: 28-11-26) housed in Beloved Archives in Hamilton, New Jersey. For further discussion of this archival material, see pp. 441-44. All six pages have in their running head the words “Lonavla, Sunday, 28th November, 1926,” and every page after the first has a page number. Pages 1 through the middle of p. 3 present the content of TTL/FF pp. 131-35 in a crude and abbreviated form; this coincidence of content corroborates the date. After the lacuna and the words “(part missing)” in the middle of p. 3, the text resumes with content unrelated to that in TTL/FF pp. 135-47 (the remainder of the lecture of 28th November 1926, first session). The case can be made that the material after the gap in p. 3 was given out by Baba on the next day (Monday). For the third paragraph into this section begins with the words: “Then, talking about the Yogis, Shree repeated last night’s explanations, . . .” None of the diaries allude to any discoursing by Baba on 27th November, while we know that he lectured on the 28th. Nonetheless, since all six pages of this lecture are presented continuously with sequential pagination and a single date (28th November), the editors feel that, on balance, this date has to be accepted and the unity of the lecture upheld.
On the very eve of this edition’s entering into print production, the original source was unexpectedly discovered in a manuscript in Chanji’s handwriting in the Avatar Meher Baba Trust Archives. This lecture and the next are both based upon this source. For further details see pp. 441-45.
2. LLBA: 28-11-26, p. 3 reads “Gotapuri.” Since no one going by this name can be identified in connection with the life of Ramakrishna, the editors have taken this as a misspelling or mis-hearing of “Totapuri,” a well-known figure in Ramakrishna’s life accounts.
3. The following passage exhibits a close relationship to the opening section of the lecture of 6th February 1927 (TTL/FF p. 151, TTL p. 151, and TLD/FF: 6-2-27,draft A p. 1), with many exact correspondences in verbiage, though the two passages diverge at a number of points also. It is possible that these two passages represent two write-ups of the same lecture moment by Baba. If so, this lecture content must have been given by Baba in Lonavala in November 1926 and not in Meherabad on 6th February 1927, since it is hard to conceive how it could have found its way into LLBA: 28-11-26, p. 4 otherwise. At the same time, a note in Chanji’s Diary for the date 6th February 1927 (ChD 20: pp. 6-7) makes it clear that Baba did give a lecture then on the powers of yogis. Possibly Meher Baba gave this same explanation twice, once on 29th November 1926 and again on 6th February 1927; then again, when the 6th February 1927 Tiffin Lecture was being compiled, it is also possible that this material from the previous November was added in, since it pertained to the discussion and since that particular November talk had been left out of the “Tiffin Lectures” compilation. For further discussion, see endnote 2 on p. 580.
4. Certain ambiguities afflict the prose in the sources for this passage as well as the sources for the lecture of 6th February 1926; for fuller discussion, see note 3 on p. 580.
5. LLBA: 28-11-26, p. 4 has a lacuna here: “after combining these two sources (? [lacuna] limited) by Yoga process . . . .” The “Tiffin Lectures” sources for the 6th February 1926 lecture (TTL/FF p. 151 and TTL p. 151; TLD/FF: 6-2-27,draft A p. 1 reads similarly) fill the lacuna thus: “after combining these two sources (of the limited and unlimited) and there is the result. . . .”
6. LLBA: 28-11-26, p. 4 reads: “While a sadguru has not to exert his energies in breathing and checking etc. (like the yogis). . . .” The sense of the word “checking” remains unclear; does the text mean that the yogi (unlike the Sadguru) alternately breathes and checks his breath in the yogic process? Lacking certitude on this point, the editors have left the text in an ambiguous form.
7. LLBA: 28-11-26, p. 5 reads: “Hence no difference or difficulty. He has merely to think and throw light of his eyes or mind.”
8. LLBA: 28-11-26, p. 5 reads: “To make you human beings understand and give some idea, . . .”