Though Mehera always loved to garden, her desire to beautify with flowers the environment that Baba lived in had always been thwarted during the Meherabad years by the scarcity of water there. But when they moved into the Meherazad residence, she came into her own. The result is Mehera’s garden, a quiet arboreal paradise of potted plants and flowering bushes that fills the grounds outside Baba’s house.

When Baba originally brought the women here to stay, the grounds were mostly barren, populated by only a few trees here and there. The lovely garden that pilgims walk through today was born out of Mehera’s love for her Beloved. She wanted everything to be beautiful for Him and labored to create this oasis of tranquility and beauty in the middle of a drought-sticken area.

One day Mehera asked Baba why He had chosen such a dry and dusty place to make His home. “The soil here is so hard and rocky, Baba, that it is almost impossible to make anything grow.”

Baba smiled at His beloved Mehera, and then gestured to her, “Your wholehearted efforts have made the garden all the more beautiful to Me because it has been nurtured by your love for Me.”

Baba enjoying Mehera’s Garden