1. These opening paragraphs, which do not appear in the “Tiffin Lectures” sources (TTL/FF p. 118, TTL p. 118, and TLD/FF: 7-10-26, p. 1), are based on two pages in Chanji’s diary (ChD 57: pp. 209 and 211) as well as the 7th October 1926 entry in “The Combined Diary” (ComD 1: f. 357).
2. ChD 57: p. 209 leaves the name of the place blank: the group “dropped in today while passing here from _______ [sic]” where they had been canvassing for “Mr. [?] _______ for the forthcoming Council election.”
3. This paragraph appears separately in ChD 57: p. 211, apart from the rest of the material in these paragraphs. This diary page does not make it clear at what point in the discussion Baba made these particular remarks; the editors have inserted it here since this seems like the most probable juncture.
4. ChD 57: pp. 209 and 211 and ComD 1: f. 357. ChD 57: p. 210 constitutes the original diary source for Baba’s lecture that follows. (The “Tiffin Lectures” sources are TTL/FF p. 118 and TTL p. 118.)