1. ChD 62: p. 369 provides the basis for this bit of dialogue preceding the main lecture. Since the diary version is written in the form of rough notes, the editors have substantially revised it for readability.

2. These last two sentences have been significantly edited; TLD/DF: 3-6-26, p. 2 reads: “. . . you knew that you are ‘False I’ – you knew that this Universe etc. is all ‘Imagination’ (Bhas ‘Impression’). Here, you knew that you do not know anything – that you have no Knowledge of your Real Self, who you really are, were, and can be.” (TTL/FF p. 36, TTL p. 36, and TLD/FF: 3-6-26, p. 2 read almost identically; ChD 62 failed as a source a few lines earlier, since ChD 62: p. 370 breaks off in mid-sentence, and the next page—which would have contained the source material for this present passage—appears to have been lost.)

The problem in this passage lies in its implication that the ordinary human—who appears to be the “you” under consideration—consciously understands and recognizes his ignorance. But this is not typically the case for most people. At best, one educated in Meher Baba’s teachings (or some comparable body of philosophy like Advaita Vedanta) might understand these points intellectually; but only a spiritually advanced soul or God-realized person would “know” it in any real sense.

The key here lies in the usage of the verb “know,” which functions effectively as a synonym for “experience.” The editors have emended to bring out this sense. In fact, this same issue—and the same usage of the word “know”—arises in Infinite Intelligence with respect to the phrase “Knowledge knows that it does not know”; see esp. pp. 95-96, 130-33, 441, and the editors’ discussion on 463.

3. This last sentence is extensively edited; the original text of TTL/FF p. 36, TTL p. 36, and TLD/DF: 3-6-26, p. 2 all read: “That is the difference in the ‘Sound Sleep’ states in these three.” (TLD/FF: 3-6-26, p. 2 omits the sentence.) Now this is the first time that this lecture has referred to three sound sleep states; only two appear in the diagrams in the source manuscripts. Evidently the sound sleep of an ordinary human is being distinguished from the original sound sleep before the moment of creation—though it is unclear how, in any essential way, these two differ from each other, apart from the fact that they occur at different stages in the soul’s journey. (As already noted, the source page in ChD 62 for this portion of the lecture appears to have been lost; and so no illumination is available there.)