Telegram : “MEHERBABA” Ahmednagar
Email (Meherabad Office)
Telephone No. (0241) 2343666, 2347093, Ahmednagar Office
2548777, 2548499, Meherabad Trustees Office
AHMEDNAGAR – 414 001
October, 2020
Jai Baba dear Baba Lovers,
With heavy hearts, we have to announce that there will be no Educational Gathering to celebrate Beloved Baba’s 52nd Amartithi on 31st January 2021.
The Covid-19 pandemic is not yet under control throughout India and definitely not in Maharashtra and Ahmednagar. As yet no clear guidelines for holding large public gatherings have been announced by the Maharashtra Government. Even if the pandemic gets under control by January, there can still be many asymptomatic carriers of the virus.
What is to be considered foremost by the Trust is the safety of the pilgrims. Out of love for Beloved Baba pilgrims would place themselves in harm’s way coming in overcrowded buses and trains where human proximity is inevitable. There will be many people, especially old people, who have other health problems such as heart issues, diabetes, etc., who are more susceptible to catch the infection. Maintaining human distancing at 12 noon on the morning of 31st on top of the Hill around the Samadhi, in accommodations, queues, food stalls, staging areas, etcetera, at Meherabad would become unmanageable. A benign embrace in His Love during Amartithi can become a viral multiplier. Medical facilities at Meherabad for Amartithi is usually well managed in the best of times, but in this pandemic scenario could quickly become a nightmare. As it happens, it is even difficult to get a bed for a non-corona virus patient in any hospital in Ahmednagar.
The Amartithi gathering could become a source of the spread of infection, which neither Baba nor His lovers would want.
The Trust’s arrangements for the coming Amartithi should start about now. Therefore, for the Trust to hold the Amartithi Gathering or not is our first concern. With the contagion spiraling out of control, Baba is making it evident that it will not be possible given the circumstances of His making, and it befits us all to resign to His Will.
The Board of Trustees, therefore, entreats His lovers to refrain from coming to Meherabad for Beloved Baba’s 52nd Amartithi 2021.
We will arrange to hold a virtual Amartithi Program. The details will be announced later on.
We request Baba lovers all over the world not to get disheartened, but keep saying His Name and remembering that our Beloved God-Man, Meher Baba, is always with us, in our hearts.
Throughout the world, at 12 noon on 31st January 2021, we, His lovers will keep this date with the Eternal One and hail the Beloved in our hearts, home and from our rooftops – AVATAR MEHER BABA KI JAI!
In His Love,
Shridhar Kelkar
Trustees of Avatar Meher Baba P.P.C. Trust
“The Divine Beloved is always with you, in you, and around you. Know that you are not separate from Him”. – Meher Baba