“The Constituents of the Human Individuality in the Cases of the Sadguru, Majzūb, Yogi, and Ordinary Man”
(p. 152)
“Notes on the Figures” (p. 528)
This figure is based on versions in TTL/FF p. 69; TTL p. 69; TLD/DF: 1-7-26, p. 3; TLD/FF: 1-7-26, p. 3; and ChD 57: pp. 62 and 63. “The Combined Diary,” while it furnishes no diagram, does list the five elements in the constitution of the self, thus: “1. Mind 2. Intellect 3. Ego 4. Subtle 5. Gross” (ComD 1: f. 286). This last ordering of elements—whereby “mind” heads the list and “ego” comes third—contradicts all the other sources; in all other treatments of this topic, in this period and later, Baba represents ahaṅkār or “egoism” as a deeper layer in the constitution of the false self than manas or “mind.” This detail in the account in “The Combined Diary” seems erroneous, then; but elsewhere the entry for that date (1st July 1926, ComD 1: ff. 286–87) provides an illuminating and relevant discussion, which the editors and artist have taken note of.
Source Diagrams