The celebration of Upasni Maharaj’s 56th birthday starts with the feeding of 3000-4000 people,
folios #266-270, May 23-30, 1926.
At a village on the way to Rahuri with 14 of the men (to attend a wedding), Baba had Arjun beg door to door for food. Though he was unsuccessful, they were given something from one poor man and one rich man for their supper.
A Moslem man posing as a spiritual authority came to Meherabad to try to barter a deal with Baba to get a discount on car repairs at Adi/Rustom’s father’s garage. After Baba reprimanded the hypocrite, he lectured the mandali and the garage manager about the dangers of such people.
At a meeting the next evening, due to an epidemic of eye infection amongst two schoolboys, a decision was made to establish a separate wing in the hospital dedicated to eye care.
The schools were closed for 3 days to celebrate Upasni Maharaj’s 56th birthday. The first day started with the public feeding of 3000-4000 people. After the Puranic lecture in the afternoon, the enthusiastic crowd enjoyed the birth ceremony and a procession up and down the hill.
Due to the holidays, the boys were allowed to sleep in late the next morning – till 6:30 a.m. The main feature of those next two days was the late afternoon-evening sports programme.
The main feature of the last day was a competition of music and elocution.