Addendum to the communication of 18 March 2022 easing Covid-19 restrictions in Pilgrim Accommodations.
Jai Meher Baba!
For your information, the following points that were missing from the communication sent out on 18 March 2022 are given below:
1. Children six years and older from outside India are now allowed to stay at MPR and Hostel D.
2. The restriction of not allowing people over 65 years of age to stay in MPR and Hostel D is now removed.
3. The three-day limit of length of stay in MPR and Hostel D is now removed.
4. Although they typically close at this time, MPR and Hostel D will remain open throughout the summer of 2022, as a one-time exception to compensate for the lockdown from early 2020 until recently. Meherazad will remain closed and will reopen, Baba willing, on 3 July 2022.
Framroze Mistry, Chairman, and the Board of Trustees.