In 1926 Meher Baba gave out a rich body of explanations on the nature of the creation and the divine Reality, recently published under the title Infinite Intelligence. That book is based on a two-volume manuscript, the Intelligence Notebooks, which, though not yet published in print form, is here made available as online digital facsimiles. There is also a concordance that matches up pages in the book with pages of the manuscript. Also find a file containing two text versions of the manuscript.
Complete Infinite Intelligence Texts [pdf]
Concordance [pdf]
Intelligence Notebook I
pp. 1-12 [pdf] | 28-57 [pdf] | 58-88 [pdf] | 88-107 [pdf] | 107-136 [pdf] | 137-157 [pdf] |
158-183 [pdf] | 183-211 [pdf]
Intelligence Notebook II
pp. 1-18 [pdf] | 19-45 [pdf]