Dear Friends in Meher Baba,
It is important to share with you one of the significant provisions
from Beloved Avatar Meher Baba’s Last Will and Testament, in
which He instructs the Avatar Meher Baba Trust to ensure the
continued preservation and dissemination of His words and works
for posterity.
In His Will, Meher Baba states:
“Subject to the said confirmation in favor of the said Adi K.
Irani, I hereby grant, bequeath and assign unto the said Trustees
of the said ‘Avatar Meher Baba Trust’ all the copyrights TO HAVE
AND TO HOLD the same unto the Trustees subject to the powers
and provisions declared and contained in the said Declaration
of Trust by me.”
With these words, Meher Baba entrusted to the Avatar Meher Baba
Trust the sacred responsibility of safeguarding His literary
legacy. The copyright to His words, messages, discourses, and
other writings were thus placed in the care of the Trust,
ensuring that they remain preserved and made available to His
lovers and the world at large, in fidelity to Baba’s original
The Trustees are ever mindful of this most sacred duty and remain
committed to upholding the integrity of Meher Baba’s words. We
seek to manage and fulfill Baba’s wishes for the benefit of
humanity so that future generations may receive His message
of Love and Truth in its original form.
In His service,
Framroze Mistry
Chairman, Avatar Meher Baba Trust